Clean Water Spots From Shower Door
Clear up problems with bathroom shower mildew and shower door spots with appropriate bathroom cleaners. These expert tips will help.
Mildew is a growing fungus that thrives in damp places such as bathrooms. Moisture-laden air condenses on cooler surfaces, including walls and ceilings. If that moisture isn’t cleaned away or doesn’t evaporate, it encourages the growth of tiny spores that become visible mildew and mold. This occasionally collects noticeably on shower doors and in corners of the shower.
Regular cleaning with commercial shower cleaners usually prevents this. Or, to keep mildew off of the shower door, you can simply squeegee the door after showering.
If mildew is more widespread in the bathroom, consider the room’s ventilation. Warm areas, even when frequently wet like shower stalls, seldom grow mildew and mold if properly ventilated. If the bathroom does not have a bath fan, strongly consider installing one.
If the rubber that seals the glass door is mildewed, you can try cleaning it with a 6-to-1 mixture of water and household bleach (6 water, 1 bleach).
If the seal is damaged beyond repair, you may be able to have it replaced by a glass company or a shower-door installation specialist. Do-it-yourselfers may be able to buy replacement weatherstripping from the door’s manufacturer (if you can determine who that is). Or, in some cases, automotive weatherstripping can be modified to fit.
Clean Water Spots From Shower Door
Does your glass shower door have milky white spots all over it? Those spots are caused by residue from minerals in the water that has splattered on the door. It indicates that your household water has a high mineral content. Those mineral deposits are left behind when the water evaporates.
You can eliminate this problem at the source by installing a water softener, or you can find ways to reduce water-spotting–or at least clean them away–without buying equipment.
For starters, wipe up drips and drops when they occur, before they have a chance to form stains. Keep a squeegee in the shower and give the walls and door a quick wipe after each shower. This is a sure-fire method that almost always eliminates the problem.
If using a squeegee doesn’t do the trick, clean up those pesky spots with a citrus-based cleaning solvent; these are especially effective against organic stains.

If your shower is lined with marble, granite, or other stone tile, do not use a citrus-based cleaner–it may etch the finish on the stone.
Featured Resource: Get a Pre-Screened Local Shower Door Repair Pro