Built-Up Flat Roof Repair

repairing built up roof

Expert advice on how to repair built-up and tar-and-gravel roofs, including DIY tips on patching torn roofing and repairing blisters on a flat roof. Although built-up roofs are durable, leaks can develop. These are most often found where flashing is located, such as at connections between the roof and the chimney, the eaves, or another […]

Built-Up (Tar-and-Gravel) Roofing Systems

Built-up (Tar-and-Gravel) Roofing Diagram

Parts and composition of tar-and-gravel, built-up, and flat roofing systems, with a helpful tar-and-gravel roof construction diagram. Flat or almost-flat roofs can collect a tremendous amount of water, especially if their outlets or downspouts become plugged with leaves and debris. For this reason, they must be designed to seal against standing water that may pool […]