DIY Dangers: 10 Home Projects That Can Turn Deadly

electrical wiring

Don’t let your DIY dreams turn into a nightmare. Learn about 10 home improvement projects that pose serious risks and how to stay safe. DIY home improvement projects can save you money and be incredibly satisfying–but some projects aren’t worth the risk. Saving a few bucks by doing something yourself isn’t worth a trip to […]

Home Improvement Safety

tool belt and ladder

A collection of important tips about safe practices during home improvement project for amateur carpenters and homeowners to start off projects the right way. Home-improvement projects often call for risky practices. I remember nailing siding onto my house from the top of a 30-foot scaffold. That one got my blood circulating. Then there was the […]

Painting Safety Tips

Painting is a relatively user-friendly home project if you take the proper precautions to ensure safety. This expert guide will help you get the job done safely. Generally speaking, painting is one of the easiest do-it-yourself projects. But it is not without its potential hazards. When painting, you’re typically working with toxic chemicals, old paint […]