Installing Cement Backerboard for Tile Flooring

ceramic tile construction

Carefully planning the placement of cement backerboard is as important as meticulous installation. The most successful tile floor applications begin with either fibrous cement backerboard or cement backboard that is mesh-reinforced, installed with special backerboard screws. Start by snapping chalk lines to indicate where the joists are located. The idea is to lay the backerboard […]

How to Lay a Stone Tile Floor

ceramic tile installation

In This Article: Stone Tile Layout Cutting Stone Tile Installing Stone Tiles Grouting a Stone Tile Floor Learn how to lay a stone tile floor with this expert DIY guide. Covers layout considerations, plus cutting, installing, and grouting stone tiles. Porous tiles with a nearly sponge-like surface are growing in popularity. But be aware that […]

Ceramic or Stone Tile Floor Layout

installing floor tile dry run

Expert tips on completing a ceramic or stone tile floor layout. Covers measurements, checking squareness and straightness, estimating tile counts, and more. In This Article: Measuring for Tiles & Grout Checking for Square & Straight Laying out Tile with a Dry Run Estimating Tiles Required Adjusting Tiles for Borders When installing a new tile floor, […]

Replacing a Cracked or Broken Floor Tile

grouting tile floor

A helpful step-by-step guide that explains how to replace a cracked or broken floor tile. Includes materials you’ll need and in-depth instructions. Replacing a cracked, defective, or broken floor tile isn’t as difficult as you might think. Of course, you can only replace the tile if you have or can find a match—this is one […]