How to Build an Interior Wall

Diagram of an interior wall with door frame, including plate, header, and distance between studs.

Expert step-by-step instructions on building a wall, with diagrams, tips for framing with wall studs, and more DIY help How to Build a Wall: 1. Determine the location and size of the wall 2. Lay out the wall stud locations 3. Fasten the top plate to the ceiling 4. Position and secure the bottom plate […]

Wall Framing for a Window

wall framing and sheathing

Walls are framed to support a house, as well as windows and doors, and to contain utilities. Conventional house walls have an inner wooden framework. This framework may or may not support part of the house. But all walls support wallcoverings, windows, and doors. And they provide cavities for electrical wiring, plumbing, ductwork, insulation, and […]