Insulating & Saving Energy

expanding foam caulk

In This Article: Home Insulation Weatherstripping & Caulking The time is far overdue for us to make some serious changes in the way we consume the Earth’s resources and produce pollution. Contemporary life has been built on the assumption that we would always have enough oil, clean water, lumber, and other resources and that our […]

Door Weather Stripping: How to Seal Out Drafts & Save Energy

Diagram showing various types of door weatherstripping, including vinyl, adhesive-backed, and felt.

In This Article: Weather Stripping Door Jambs Installing a Door Shoe Installing a Door Sweep How to install door weather stripping to stop drafts and energy loss, sealing the gaps around your home’s exterior doors. Expert step-by-step advice for installing door weather stripping, door sweeps, and door shoes. The products used to seal between a […]

Weather Stripping Doors & Windows

Man's hands cutting an adhesive-backed foam window weather stripping.

In This Article: Weather Stripping Materials Weather Stripping Techniques Weather stripping reduces drafts and blocks energy loss through windows and doors. The right weather stripping, when installed correctly, can pay off significantly in energy savings. When it comes to a home’s energy loss caused by air leaks through windows, doors, and walls (called “infiltration”), old […]